

Remarkably, I note that I have not mentioned Flickr. Heavens alive! How did this occur? If there was one Social Media type platform that delivers more than  most it is Flickr.

If you have a website and images play a role in what you do, then Flickr is a major tool to be used in your favour. At DMG we use Flickr extensively for many of our needs, from the ease of use to attaching galleries to your website and on Facebook Fan Pages, to the simple sharing of images across multiple platforms to achieve product branding.

It has mega value and if you have not explored Flickr yet, now is the time to make the most out of this platform.

In this day and age with people taking photos with their mobile phones at the drop of a hat, Flickr is very nifty to store your images too.

Our Flickr account is under the username of All4Data –

I shall write more on this once I boot back up

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